Wednesday, February 14, 2024

ESV Chronological Plan, Day 45 | Leviticus 13-14


Read Leviticus 13:1-14:57


Millennia ahead of their time. I'm not going to pretend that today's section is gripping reading, but when you think about the time that they were written in, these instructions were groundbreaking. Up until fairly recently in history there wasn't an awareness of how diseases spread or what would promote real biological health. There was no germ theory. The laws outlined in Leviticus, though ancient, remarkably exhibit a forward-thinking approach towards promoting health and hygiene. Among these directives are regulations concerning cleanliness, dietary restrictions, and disease prevention. Prohibitions against consuming certain animals and meticulous instructions on food preparation reflect an understanding of the potential health risks associated with certain foods. Moreover, rules mandating quarantine for individuals with contagious diseases demonstrate an early recognition of the importance of isolation in preventing the spread of illness. The emphasis on cleanliness, such as frequent washing and sanitation practices, not only adhered to religious rituals but also served as effective measures in combating the transmission of pathogens. These laws, millennia ahead of their time, underscore a profound understanding of health principles that have endured through the ages, laying the groundwork for modern public health practices.

Jesus cleansed the lepers. Jesus' act of cleansing lepers (for example by touching one in Matthew 8:1-4) unveils the spiritual essence underlying the laws concerning leprosy in Leviticus. While Leviticus prescribed strict regulations for isolating and managing those afflicted with leprosy, Jesus' actions emphasize compassion, healing, and inclusion. His willingness to touch and heal lepers transcended conventional understanding and societal taboos, illustrating the transformative power of love and grace. In touching lepers and healing them, without becoming defiled himself, Jesus not only demonstrated his authority over disease but also exemplified the deeper spiritual message embedded within the Levitical laws – the restoration of wholeness, both physically and spiritually, and the eradication of social and spiritual stigma through acts of mercy and compassion. Thus, Jesus' actions reveal him as the embodiment of love, power, and grace, offering hope and redemption to all who seek him.


In our thoughts and attitudes, I think the remarkably current nature of the laws of Leviticus should give us greater confidence in God's Word. There's a sense in which, even if there were no external proofs for Scripture (and there are many), the wisdom of God's Word itself in cases like this would compel us to acknowledge it as such. Because, of course the God who created the world would know how diseases work at a time when most cultures were still reduced to sacrificing human beings in order to superstitiously ward off the spirit of leprosy--God's Word shows itself to have been given by a Higher Intelligence here. That, and Jesus' willingness to touch lepers and cleanse them without himself becoming infected, should result in another reason to be drawn into worship. And in our actions, we should know that God cares about the health of our bodies. It's not a sin to hit up McDonalds and eat fast food or anything. But God cares about all of you--your spirit, mind, and body. Maybe these laws might be showing us that, even as believers under the New Covenant, we should still treat our bodies with respect.


Here is a suggested prayer prompt: "Jesus, I come before you with a humble heart--I'm grateful for the cleansing that you have bestowed upon me from the spiritual leprosy that once burdened me! Your touch has healed me. Your grace has restored me. And, your love is transforming me! Like the leper all those years ago, I come before you with everything that weighs me down, saying to you 'If you will, you can make me clean.' Lord, please respond to me as you responded to him, saying: 'I will; be clean.'  Thank you for seeing beyond my flaws and embracing me with compassion. Help me to live each day in the light of your mercy. In you, I find true healing and wholeness."

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